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The Changing Role of God in the Book of Job The Book of Job shows an adjustment in God's disposition from the earliest starting point...
Friday, December 27, 2019
Symbolism And Character Development In Everyday Use - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1976 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/05/23 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Everyday Use Essay Did you like this example? In summary, everyday use is a short story told from Mamars point of view, she is described as a big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands (Walker, P. 1126). At the very start of the story, Mama awaits for the return visit of Dee, her eldest daughter. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Symbolism And Character Development In Everyday Use" essay for you Create order Mama and her younger daughter, Maggie, stands next to each other as they both hesitantly awaits the arrival of Dee. As they are waiting, the audience receives a taste of Mamas life and her relationship with Dee. Apart from Mama and Maggie, we learn that Dee have always desired more than her family history or Mama could offer her. Dee is educated and is clearly intelligent and driven, we get the sense that her achievements have come at the cost of her mother and her younger sibling. When Dee finally showed up at the scene, she was accompanied by a young man named Hakim-a-barber, whom Mama refers to as Asalamalakim. As soon as Dee showed up, it was clear that she was not the same person she is now then when she left, starting with the fact that she insisted on being called, Wangero rather than her original name, Dee. Both Dee and her boyfriend are more focused on getting artifacts than truly connecting and engaging with Mama and Maggie. They searched through Mamars belongings in hope of finding original pieces of old rural black life (history), a life and history that Dee has long ago divorced herself from. Dee continuously shoots insults at Mama and Maggie, indirect as casual chit-chat, directed at Mama and her sister. Dee demands on obtaining old quilts that are put away for Maggie. After Mamars endurance of Deers inappropriate insults, mama informs Wangero to take two other quilts not intended for Maggie and depart. Dee advices Maggie to make something of hers elf and mockingly direct at her Mama that she contains no understanding of her own heritage. Next, Dee and Hakim-a-barber got into their car and depart. Analysis: In Everyday Use, Walker uses the possessions found in Mamars home that represent culture, heritage and tradition. Dee arrives to visit her mother and at her arrival, she saw her motherrs house as a symbol of her childhood and background. Dee begins to notice her surroundings. The first thing she paid attention to was the benches. As she takes time to the admiration of the benches, Dee says, You can feel the rump prints (Walker 112). This scene from the story clearly conveys to the audience that the author intentionally put that sentence to tell the readers that the benches hold a history. In other words, the benches have been in home for many years. Therefore, the benches stand as a representation of the characters past and experiences. There are many symbols to consider, but another symbol that the author utilize is the butter churn and dash. When talking about these items, the author tells, there were a lot of small sinks; you could see where thumbs and fingers had sunk into the wo od (Walker, P.112). The author is trying to sending a message the audience that there is history behind the butter dash. Some of the characters good and bad past experiences are contained within the butter dash. The butter dash may be an everyday use item; however, some good and bad experiences that have taken place in our everyday life around the table took place in the present of the butter dash (if the household possesses one). With all this being said, it means that every time you would trough a stare at the butter dash, the remembrance of these experience are in a way, relieved. The author proceeds on describing the butter dash by saying that it was made of beautiful light yellow wood, from a tree that grew in the yard where Big Dee and Stash had lived (Walker, P.112). The description of the butter dash represent the history. The fact that the author included the remembering of the history tells the audience that the author puts values heritage. With these items, the author tells the audience of their history. This shows the authorrs gratitude of knowing the history behind things. The author is clearly concerned about the sensitive artifacts of the African American past. By writing the story everyday use, the author clearly demonstrate that she recognizes the need to preserve the fragile artifacts of the African American past. In other words, the appreciation of the benches and the butter churn are items that represent African American traditions. Walker strongly believe that there is a need to explain the significance of concerning the African American culture and heritage and the author used these everyday items to symbolize that importance. Culture: The items such as the benches, the butter dash and the quilts obviously signify African American culture and heritage. Among the other everyday items, the quilts are the most important symbol that the author utilize in the story Everyday Use. When Dee carried the quilts out, the author digs into thorough details about the meaning behind these quilts. The author says, in both of [the quilts] were scraps of dresses Grandma Dee had worn fifty and more years ago. Bits and pieces of Grandpa Jarrellrs Paisley shirts. And one teeny faded blue piece, about the size of a penny matchbox, that was from Great Grandpa Ezrars uniform that he wore in the Civil War (Walker, P.113). The quilts symbolizes the complete past of the family that dates back to the time of the Civil War. The quilts hold great importance to the culture, and not only representation of the past. They also symbolize the hard work of the family members. The African American quilts are clear symbols representing the African American tradition. According to African American history of the quilts, the purpose of the quilts was a productive way for the African American slave women to pass time, and finally, the quilts were used and needed as a necessity to keep slaves warm during the winter time. Even though some people, for instance Dee, view the quilts as something that should be used as a mean of beautification. On the other hand, the author does view the quilts the same way. Walker believes that The quilts represents history and tradition. In other words, the author uses these quilts to symbolize the appreciation and respect of African American culture. According to Houston A. Baker, Jr., a nd Charlotte Pierce-Baker, the quilts, in their patched and many-colored glory offer not a counter to tradition, but, in fact, an instance of the only legitimate tradition of ?the people that exists (311). In other words, the quilts in Everyday Use are one of the only symbols that represent traditions during that time era. In Everyday Use, the quilts are the most significant part making up the story, and the author uses the quilts to show the traditions of African-American heritage. Heritage The author portray the appreciation she contain towards preserving and respecting the African American culture and heritage through the development of the characters. The she story contains three main characters. Mama is one of the main characters that shows the most transformation in character. In the story, Mama starts off by discussing her daughters. She clearly see Dee as the lovelier and more intelligent daughter. She seems to think highly of Dee. She says, [Maggie] thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that ?no is a word the world never learned to say to her (Walker, P.109). Mama says this because she recognizes that Dee always gets everything she desires, and no one ever denies her anything, including Mama. Mama knows that Dee has unusual ways that does not resemble the ways of Mama or Maggiers, but in some ways Mama seems to look up to Dee and longs for Dee to accept her. Tuten agrees by saying, Mamars distaste for Deers egotism is tempered by her de sire to be respected by her daughter (Walker, P.125). The character of Mama changes during the quilt scene as she come to realize that Maggie shares the appreciation of culture and heritage, and Deers appreciation is entirely different from theirs. In the action of the quilt scene, Dee is basically demanding Mama to give her the quilts, and Mama says, when I looked at her like that something hit me in the top of my head and ran down to the soles of my feet (Walker, P. 113). In other words, the truth hits Mama quicker than lightning. The truth is that the Dee is the daughter that does not know or understands the true appreciation of African American culture. Tuten says the story is ultimately about Mamars awakening to one daughterrs superficiality and to the otherrs deep-seated understanding of heritage (Walker, P.125). In Everyday Use, the author uses Mamars change in how she views her daughters to help defend her point, which is the importance of keeping the values and traditions in the African American culture. Tradition Mama expresses herself as a big boned woman with rough, man-working hand. She references conditions that were useful and necessary to survive for her ancestors. She can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man and can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing (Walker, P.115). So she is able to survive with the help of these methods that were passed on by her family from generation to generation. She has the ability to actually use these abilities and thus be independent. Mama is a tough and relaxed individual. When Dee badly show that she wants the quilts her grandmother made, Mama team with her daughter Maggie: I did something I never had done before: hugged Maggie to me, then dragged her on into the room, snatched the quilts out of Miss Wangerors hands and dumped them into Maggies lap(Walker, P.117). Mama does not want to surrender the quilts to Dee, she wants Maggie to have the quilts for everyday Mama portrays a mighty character who recognizes the value of her culture and fights for it. It obviously clear how very different Dee is from her family. One of the things that makes it so obvious ifs the fact that she is an educated woman and her family holds no educational background. Dee went to Augusta school. While Dee is educated, it come at a cost for her family because she uses her knowledge to present her dominance to her family at her return. The author uses expressive oppositions: she washed us in a river of make-believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge(Walker, P. 117), and the author goes on with words like pressed and shove to show Deers not so attractive attitude. She is determined to gain knowledge and be different from her ancestors. She uses her reading ability like a weapon to show her family how well educated she is and how small they are in their illiteracy. Conclusion In conclusion, Alice Walker utilizes symbolism and character development to express her personal emotions of culture and heritage, which is the extreme importance of maintaining and respecting the strong value of family and traditions. The symbols of the benches, the butter dash, and the quilts help represent the history of African American traditions. The character development of Mama, Dee, and Maggie help to show the different points of views that one may have about heritage, and Mamars fundamental eye opener of discovering which daughter values the same things as her in the same way. The change in Mama permits her to stand up to a daughter in a way that she has not before. The setting of the yard aids in telling the story behind the culture and heritage. Walker defends her perception on the extreme importance of protecting and admiring the value of African American culture and heritage.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Domestic Violence And Its Effects - 992 Words
Domestic Violence â€Å"Domestic violence can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender.†( Domestic Violence. U.S.) While signs of physical abuse can be seen if the victim has visible bruises, there are other forms of domestic violence that are often missed or overlooked. Victims often live in fear and sadly many times, they fear the person that they love. It has been proven that at least three women are killed a day by their significant other in forms of domestic violence, in most cases, a male is their â€Å"better half.†(Catalano), if that does not tell you something then I will. There are many forms of domestic violence, some abuse can be very noticeable, and others may be hidden very easily or never even seen. All forms of abuse cause extreme trauma to the victim. According to Sexual Violence Victimization, â€Å"Almost one-third of women experience physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime†(7). And over 80% of wome n have reported that they have been verbally abused by their significant other (Shorey, Zucosky, Brasfield, Febres, Cornelius, Sage, and Stuart 289- 296). Girls are petrified, and with the massive amount of abuse, roughly 4 million women were found to have been suffering physical abuse by their boyfriend or husband annually (Black, Basile, Breiding, Smith, Walters, Merrick, Chen, Stevens). Sexual Assault is one form of domestic violence. Over half of rapes are made by the ladies boyfriend or spouse, said inShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Violence On Domestic Violence1380 Words  | 6 Pagesobject to violence, because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent†, quoted by Mahatma Gandhi. Violence is defined as an unjust or unwarranted exertion of power or force to intentionally injure, damage, or destroy something or someone. Amongst the various types of violence, there is one in particular that has been causing an ongoing debate wi thin societies across the world; this certain type of violence is known as domestic violence. Domestic violence, alsoRead MoreThe Effects of Domestic Violence1831 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic Violence What effects does domestic violence have on the victim and their families? Domestic violence has a tremendous effect on people lives. It is a terrible crime and is happening each day. It is said that every 9 seconds a women is assaulted or beaten. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury in women. This crime is very common and happens to people that you may even know. â€Å"Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive and threatening behaviors that may include physical, emotionalRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects879 Words  | 4 PagesDomestic violence is a violent confrontation between family or household members involving physical harm, sexual assault, or fear of physical harm. (Berry, 1998) Often when we think of domestic violence, we think of a man hitting women but there are many forms of abuse; emotional, sexual, physical and verbal abuse. Domestic violence acts can be committed by men or women, against children or adults. In our society, we are seeing more instances of domestic violence from professional athletes, toRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects971 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Domestic violence can happen to anyone, regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender.†(Domestic Violence. U.S.) While signs of physical abuse can be seen if the victim has visible bruises, there are other forms of dom estic violence that are often missed or overlooked. Victims often live in fear and sadly many times, they fear the person they love the most. It has been proven that at least three women are killed a day by their significant other due to domestic violence, in mostRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects913 Words  | 4 Pagesbehaviors then you have been in an abusive relationship or if you know someone who is in that type of relationship that person might the abuser or the victim. Domestic Violence is a violent confrontation between family members, a partner (boyfriend- girlfriend, spouses) involving physical harm, sexual assault, or fear of physical harm. Domestic Violence is not always physical like everyone think, it is also emotional, economically and coercion and threats. Many people think that when they are been beatingRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects3294 Words  | 14 PagesExecutive Summary As many people know, domestic violence is a criminal act involving victims and offenders who are related to one another. Domestic Violence includes intimidation and simple, aggravated, and sexual assault. What most people may not be aware of is that domestic violence has become a national dilemma, with a crime of this type occurring every 9 seconds. Family members try to ignore what’s happening and neighbors do not want to get involved. The victim is usually helpless to understandRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects2364 Words  | 10 PagesWhat you imagined was domestic violence. The violent and extremely aggressive behavior displayed in your own home. The very place that should be your sanctuary, is turned into hell. According to the NCADV: Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, threats, and emotionalRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Domestic Abuse1340 Words  | 6 Pagesunderestimated, domestic abuse rips families apart every single day. Domestic violence comes in mainly five different forms, physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and economic. This violence ruins families, demoralizes the victims, and the public downplays the household terrorism that goes on every day. Generally thought of as taboo, the public belittles and humorizes domestic abuse as a way to deal with it, that avoidance must come to an end. The five forms of domestic violence are economicRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On Domestic Violence995 Words  | 4 PagesIn many cases of gender violence there is a physical outburst or unwanted exertion of force. Perhaps the most salient issue which is evident through-out history as a root cause to domestic violence is poverty. Women who are unemployed and become an economic burden to their spouses, who become victims of domestic violence. The individuals in Domestic abuse situations, is battered and abuse by an intimate partner or family member. Domestic violence spreads across social class or race, it can happenRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects1023 Words  | 5 PagesDomestic Violence is an outline of behaviors used to create authority and control over another person through fear and pressure, frequently including the threat or use of violence. There are diverse forms of domestic violence that affect men, women and children. This mistreatment happens in various forms that include physical, emotional and mental. This abuse begins as threats, then they worsen to verbal abuse and then it ends in physical violence. You may think that the physical abuse and injuries
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Marketing Management Product Life Cycle
Question: Discuss about theMarketing Managementfor Product Life Cycle. Answer: Introduction When a new product is, develop by the company, the products passes through the set of stages which are known as the products life cycle, the marketing concept of product life cycle applies to both brand and category of different products. Cheese and butter are the main dairy products that are prescribed to be consumed in the Australian market, the products have promoted the improvement and the development of the dairy industry in the region because they are widely consumed by the consumers. Introduction Stage Cheese and butter are the prescribed products which are highly demanded in the market before the producing companies offer these products to the consumer, the products pass through the development stages which involves market test and prototype. This particular stage, the consumers level is low and the company profit reads negative figures, this is because of the huge cost incurred. In this essential stage, the companies need develop heavy promotional approach in order to make their products familiar with the market (Fraenkel, Haftor, and Pashkevich, 2016). Growth Stage When cheese and butter are produced and are passed through the introductory stage, the same products are also passed through the growth stage. In this particular stage, the companies sales are observed increase and the competition between the products as well as other producing companies also increase. Maturity Stage This is an important stage of the product cycle life, at this stage, the brand awareness of the products is viewed to be strong, and thus the sales volume of the same products continues to grow compared to the past stages. In this particular stage, cheese and butter are perceived to be competing, companies producing these products also compete to produce the same products in the market. In this stage, the companies producing the products intend to defend their market share as the marketing strategy rather than making profits (Stark, 2016). Decline Stage Decline is the last stage of product life cycle, the consumption of the prescribed products is seen to reduce. In this stage, the purchasing power of the buyers is observed to be reducing because of the new innovated products in the market. In order to maintain its market share companies are encouraged to Maintain the product, by regenerating it by adding new features and finding new uses, reduce costs and continue to offer it, possibly to a loyal niche segment (Wilson, and Gilligan, 2012). Interpreting Matrix Portfolio The portfolio matrix is explained to be the chart that is used to defined products in term of the both the growth and market share in their respective market share. The information provided in experiment 4 and 5 provides an essential framework for determining the market share of the products prescribed in the Australian dairy industry. According to the data provides the dairy producers are viewed to have a slight difference of the market share depending on the type of the products they produce. The market shares of these companies are observed to change based on the annual sales that represent the consumption of the dairy products produced. The producer DP A is observed to have difference market share depending on the category of the products produces, in the period of 2008-09 and 2009-10 the market share of products represents an increase in the market share of the all the products. Factors to consider in Multifactor Portfolio Matrix Multifactor Portfolio Matrix is a management marketing tool that used by the companies managers to develop the organizational strategy that is based primarily on the market attractiveness as well as their business strengths. In analyzing the multifactor portfolio matrix, different factors are considered. Market attractiveness is an essential factor that needs to be observed while analyzing the multifactor portfolio matrix (Wilson, and Gilligan, 2012). Dairy companies need to embrace on the marketing management strategies such as the product demand variability, micro-environmental factors, market size as well as the market growth rate. The business unit and strength should also be considered since they imply on the production strategies of the companies in the market. The consideration of these two main factors should be embraced because they influence the operations of the organization in the market. How do the Major Supermarket Pricing Strategies affect the Attractiveness of the Dairy Industry Supermarkets have played a key role in the development of the Australian dairy industry. According to the information provided, many supermarkets involves themselves in complex pricing strategies, this to ensure that they maintain their profitability making. High prices from the supermarket affect purchasing power of the products, high prices influence the perception of the consumers in the market (Best, 2012). The main step that the dairy producer needs to follow comprises increasing their production in order to meet the market demand of the products produces. Reference Best, R., 2012.Market-based management. Pearson Higher Ed. Fraenkel, S., Haftor, D.M. and Pashkevich, N., 2016. Salesforce management factors for successful new product launch.Journal of Business Research. Heizer, J., Render, B. and Munson, C., 2016.Principles of operations management: sustainability and supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed. Sale, R.S., Mesak, H.I. and Inman, R.A., 2016. A dynamic marketing-operations interface model of new product updates.European Journal of Operational Research. Stark, J., 2016. Product lifecycle management. InProduct Lifecycle Management (Volume 2)(pp. 1-35). Springer International Publishing. Wilson, R.M. and Gilligan, C., 2012.Strategic marketing management. Routledge.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Of Mice And Men Detail Analysis Essays - English-language Films
Of Mice And Men Detail Analysis CHAPTER 1 "O.K. Someday--- we're gonna get the jack together and we're gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an' a cow and some pigs and-----" "An' live off the fatta the lan'," Lennie shouted. "An' have rabbits. Go on George! Tell about what we're gonna have in the garden and about the rabbits in the cages and about the rain in the winter and the stove, and how thick the cream is on the milk you can hardly cut it. Tell about that, George." This was the conversation of two laborers, George Milton and Lennie Small. This was their impossible dream, which once seemed to be within reach. However, due to Lennie's aggressive behavior, this dream evaporated. Yet, was Lennie to blame for this? What was the cause of his actions? A. Objectives This research paper aimed to: 1. identify Lennie's childlike qualities, 2. analyze Lennie's aggressive behavior, and 3. gather sufficient information regarding mental retardation. B. Statement of the Problem This paper aimed to answer the following questions: 1.a. What were Lennie's childlike qualities? b. What events displayed Lennie's childlike qualities? 2.a. What events displayed Lennie's aggressive behavior? 3.a. What was mental retardation? b. How did you determine if a person was mentally retarded? c. What was the cognitive functioning of a mental retardate? C. Hypothesis If Lennie Small exhibited childlike qualities and behavioral disorders and was poor in memory, thinking and reasoning, then, he was mentally retarded based on his cognitive functioning. D. Methods and Procedures This research paper aimed to use a descriptive-analytical method of study. E. Significance of the Study This paper enabled the researcher to analyze Lennie Small's psychological state. The researcher also gained information regarding the background of the novel and its characters. Moreover, it enabled both the author and the audience to understand mental retardation and the victims of this condition. F. Survey of Related Literature 1. Chess, Stella and Mahin Hassibi. "Principles and Practice of Child Psychiatry" A book that was accurate and comprehensive covering not only child psychiatry but also psychological disorders of adults. 2. Engle, T.L. and Louis Snellgrove "Psychology" This book involved the principles and applications of psychology. 3. Goodman, Michael. "Barron's Book Notes: John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men" It was a guide to the plot and structure of the novel. G. Scope and Limitations This research aimed to determine Lennie's psychological state. Furthermore, it aimed to ascertain the cognitive functions and behaviors of a mental retardate. However, the intelligence or I.Q. of Lennie Small was a limitation; likewise, the other characters' psychology was a restriction. H. Definition of Terms 1. Adult- a person who had reached an age of maturity as defined by law, usually the age of 18, sometimes the age of 21 2. cognitive function- this involved the language behavior, learning, memory, thinking, reasoning, motivation, and behavioral disorders of a person 3. childlike- innocent; frank simple 4. I.Q.- intelligence quotient; a number that showed a person's intelligence 5. Mental retardation- subnormal intellectual development or functioning 6. Ranch hand- farm laborers CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY John Ernst Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California and was educated in Stanford University, leaving without taking a degree. His novel, Of Mice and Men, was published by Civici-Friede on February 6 1937. He was a Nobel laureate for literature on the 25th of October, 1962 "for his realistic as well as imaginative writings, distinguished by a sympathetic humor and keen social perception." Two years later, he died of arteriosclerosis in New York The novel Of Mice and Men was originally called Something That Happened. It was converted into a play by George Kaufman, which had 207 performances. This play received the New York Drama Critics Award. There are also two film versions of the novel. One was created in 1940 and the other, just recently, in 1992. The plot of the novel was a tragic story of two itinerant farm laborers yearning for a small farm of their own. The two main characters were Lennie Small and George Milton. The minor characters were as follows. Slim and Carlson was two of the other ranch hands. Candy and Crooks were the outcasts of the novel. Curley was the son of The Boss, which appeared to be the villain of the novel. Curley's Wife was a sad character constantly avoided by everyone in the farm, except by her husband, because she was believed to spread trouble. Lastly, there was Whit who played a very minor role in the novel. CHAPTER 3 PRESENTATION
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Critique and Instructional Design Model
Introduction Instruction design model is a systematic goal based mode of instruction delivery. It is systematic since the system follows specific steps to achieve the intended goals. The design involves activities, objectives, presentations, materials, feedback, and guidance. The goal of each and every design is to ensure effective, efficient and quality delivery of instructions to the intended groups.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Critique and Instructional Design Model specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are numerous instruction design models, consequently, their uses depends on the course needs. Despite their differences, instruction designs goal are to maximize development of learners knowledge. This paper analyses ADDIE instruction design model. The increasing demand of information in all the fields including learning and entertainment has brought with it the need of content. The value of information co ntent has been identified as vital tool in instruction delivery in any setting. The mode of instruction delivery is vital for societal and economic development. As a result, selection of any mode of instruction delivery hence needs to be critically considered to meet the intended function (Elizabeth Donald, 2010). ADDIE Instruction Design Model ADDIE is the most used and common Instruction System Development (ISD). The acronym, stand for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate. The model follows the classic ‘waterfall’. The stage marks the major training and development progression in application of ADDIE. All these stages are the roadmap of instruction delivery. ADDIE application has been successfully achieved SAS online trainings among other fields of trainings. ADDIE Analysis Just like in marketing, ADDIE instruction design follows a systematic analysis to achieve its goals. The first step in the analysis involves creation of goals and objectives. The trainers need to precisely identify goals to be achieved then draw their objectives. This involves understanding the trainee group and what there are expected to achieve. The learners’ development stage needs to be assessed for appropriate selection of teaching materials. Analysis is the first step in quality development and assurance. The assessment of the learners is vital to enable the teacher devise a mode that will make the subject interesting and easy to learn. Analyses also ensure that there is a complete coverage of the training needs without assumptions and neglects. It hence reduces chances of redundancy, inaccuracy and incomplete content coverage (Mehlenbacher, 2010).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More ADDIE Instruction Design This is the next stage after the instructor and the student come to agreement over the set learning goals and objectives. It is a projection of a complete course. After completion of this phase, the tutor or trainer presents an instruction paper covering the whole design. The design is description course content rather than the course content itself. It acts as a blue print or a soft where of the content (Gradowski, Snavely, Dempsey, 1998). Instruction design starts by creating instructional strategy; this is a baseline that guides the trainer. It allows the trainer to know what the learner is expected to go through, the course materials that are needed and the how the course will be administered. It involves designing content format, their content and how they will be delivered. The major parts of the design phase are planning of the strategy, course formatting and designing instruction document or manual (Mehlenbacher, 2010). ADDIE Development Development involves putting information gathered during analysis and design phase to actionable task. It aimed at ensuring smooth running of the course. It is during this phase t hat problems created in the first two phases can be identified. Issues like unrealistic targets, missed results and materials inefficiency are identified at this phase. Bodies such as SAS have achieved this phase through, firstly, creating a prototype. The prototypes allow them to have knowledge on the real picture of the course. Prototypes are followed by creation and development of course materials that meets the required goals. Finally, table top reviews and pilot test carried out on the course to check on their ability to meet the desired goals (Mehlenbacher, 2010). EDDIE Implementation and Evaluation Implementation phase is where the trainer put his developed IDDIE into practice. It is the actionable stage where the trainee actually goes through the course. The time span of courses normally varies as per the content required by the trainee. Moat specialists implement their course based on topic and content as set during design. Implementation is followed by evaluation. Evaluati ons are assessment provided by a specialist to check the extent the design has met its target. In case some goals are not met, the whole system is reassessed and corrective measures put into action. Evaluation needs critical thinking as well as specialized with a lot of knowledge on the course (Gradowski, Snavely, Dempsey, 1998). ADDIE Critiques Many scholars have criticized ADDIE instruction design model for being more a virtual machinery than a real functioning tool in the world. Normally, there is a lot of interplay between setting realistic objectives, effectively designed presentations, and developing interactive activities.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Critique and Instructional Design Model specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a result the system is full of forward and backward constant adjustments. The real system is cyclic in nature rather than a linear presentation shown by EDDIE build. Poor mental interpretation has been developed among many specialists to take the system as a linear method rather than a highly integrated cyclic system. The result is that practical application of the system has never been easy (Elizabeth Donald, 2010). EDDIE system gives little metacognitive to the specialists as they tend over rely on the course structure rather complete environmental scan. While IDDIE can be suitable for a given course or individual, it might not be suitable for another person. The system also ignores to create realization that there is variation in learning in different states that some materials of education might not be accepted in other education systems (Magliaro Shambaugh, 2006). EDDIE identifies evaluation as a vital tool and normally presented as a center piece. Consequently, evaluation is drawn as an ongoing and integral component. However, EDDIE only states evaluation but fail to critically define it. It is clearly that when all the phases are completed, the res ult will not be viable without evaluation. Hence, evaluation should not be put as a stage in the block rather but a comprehensive system covering each and every phase. Cognitive Design Model has been identified as most appropriate model countering the procedural system of EDDIE. Finally, critics have been put upon the bias nature of EDDIE model. Specialists have no equal knowledge over the courses, as a result, some might have limited knowledge on how to design and develop the course. On the other hand, a trainer might fail to contact the experts on the course delivery system. Additionally, Managing trainees’ attitude towards the course is not addressed (Gradowski, Snavely, Dempsey, 1998). Conclusion A good course design need to be cognitive oriented over the course itself and the participants. It should have a trainer who fully, understands the material requirements, design system, mode of delivery and how it should be evaluated. While EDDIE is a good instruction model it a lso suffers from several limitations that makes it fail in some cases. References Elizabeth, A., Donald J. (2010). The New Literacies: Multiple Perspectives on Research and Practice. New York: Guilford Press.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gradowski, G., Snavely, L., Dempsey, P. (1998). Designs for active learning: A sourcebook of classroom strategies for information education. Chicago: The Association. Magliaro, S., Shambaugh, N. (2006). Instructional design: A systematic approach for reflective practice. Boston, MA: Pearson, Inc. Mehlenbacher, B. (2010). Instruction and technology: Designs for everyday learning. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 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Sunday, November 24, 2019
11 Inspiring, Uplifting Quotes for Dad
11 Inspiring, Uplifting Quotes for Dad Playing daddy all the time can be a tiresome task. Dads sometimes feel ignored, unappreciated, and even unwanted in their own family. When that happens, it is time for some words of inspiration. Inspirational dad quotes will pep up any sagging spirit. Dad Quotes for Inspiration Harry S. Truman I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it. Lydia M. Child Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father! Kent Nerburn It is much easier to become a father than to be one. Euripides Noble fathers have noble children. Richard Henry Dana Better to be driven out from among men than to be disliked of children. Douglas MacArthur By profession, I am a soldier and take pride in that fact. But I am prouder - infinitely prouder - to be a father. A soldier destroys in order to build; the father only builds, never destroys. The one has the potentiality of death; the other embodies creation and life. And while the hordes of death are mighty, the battalions of life are mightier still. It is my hope that my son, when I am gone, will remember me not from the battlefield but in the home repeating with him our simple daily prayer, Our Father who art in Heaven. Anonymous One night a father overheard his son pray Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is. Later that night, the Father prayed Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be. Croesus In peace, the sons bury their fathers, but in war, the fathers bury their sons. Sir Stephen Spender When a child, my dreams rode on your wishes, I was your son, high on your horse, my mind a top whipped by the lashes of your rhetoric, windy of course. Chinese Proverb If a son is uneducated, his dad is to blame. Jan Hutchins When I was a kid, my father told me every day, Youre the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Facebook IPO Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Facebook IPO - Case Study Example A share lockup happens when an organization chooses to open up to the world. The organization builds lockup periods wherein existing shareholders are not permitted to offer their possessions. The design is to make help for the stock, seeing as how on numerous events the biggest holders are insiders and the individuals who claimed preceding the organization getting to be open. A lockup secures the retail financial specialist - there is an inaccessible cautioning (when the IPO is recorded) in respect to when these shares "could" hit the business and these speculators regularly undercut or the stock preceding the lockup lapse. In principle, if a substantial number of extra imparts come to market, it diverts from the offset of supply and interest, in this way, pushing the stock lower as insiders and unique financial specialists offer in the open business sector. A Look Back at a Past Expiration is evident whereby Solarcity declined 5% on Tuesday when more than 61 million shares went to t he business sector. Presently, Solarcity has 75.35 million shares remarkable. Hence, the organization's present termination is more than 80% of its impacts extraordinary; significance an incredible measure of offering weight was relied upon to hit the business. Morgan technology investment is the lead underwriter keeping in mind that it owns the largest shares on the Facebook market platform and that it leads to roles in future of the company’s debt offerings as well as acquisitions. The determination of underwriters ranking is unveiled through the number of ones shares in which for our case, Morgan technology Investment currently and as per the case study holds the highest percentage shares of tech IPOs.The business of Facebook is to remain social where people hang out while sharing their moments in life and then it posts advertisement along side of that status update highway to earn from their customers. Facebook engage people where they are already engaged. Their products include creating facebook hub pages, advertising, maximizing customer knowledge and measuring advertisement insights.
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