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Essay on The Holy Bible - Role of God in the Book of Job

The Changing Role of God in the Book of Job The Book of Job shows an adjustment in God's disposition from the earliest starting point...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

King Kong Comparison Essay - 630 Words

The original 1933 King Kong was created as a movie: to convey a story and entertain and audience. Peter Jackson’s 2005 remake took the foundation for King Kong and expanded upon it in almost every way in order to â€Å"make again† the amazement of the original for a modern audience. Audiences received the original King Kong very well. The stop motion sequences of Kong were amazing for their time and the movie grossed $90,000 in its opening weekend. In order to bank upon its success again sequels were made and then in 1976 a remake was made to improve upon the original. Paramount updated the movie to color, changed the story, and cast Jeff Bridges, a well-known actor of the time, as the lead. Although the movie received mixed reviews, it did†¦show more content†¦While Jackson’s remake is true to the original for the most part, there are some small changes made in order to make the movie more appealing. In the original King Kong it is the lead actor in th e movie that saves the damsel in distress but in the 2005 remake it is the scriptwriter that saves the female actress. This change is likely due to the recent trend of heroes coming from unlikely places. Studios know that if a movie does well the first time, it is likely to do well the second time and even the third time. King Kong is no exception. Producers can presume that the glory of the original will pass on to the remake since audiences hope for that feeling again. Whether the movie is better or not doesn’t matter. Audiences will go to see King Kong over the years because the remakes are associated with the original. Every King Kong remake is based on the same principles: wanting to create a movie that will capture audiences and instill in them a sense of wonderment and awe. The original did this and the remakes try to do it again. Directors, producers, and studios may change the story, update the actors and technology but they are essentially just trying to cash in on the success of the original. Take a good idea, update it, and reap the benefits again andShow MoreRelatedTechnological Evolution in the Film Industry Essay701 Words   |  3 Pagesreintroduce a classic story. Some examples of films that have been remade include Scarface (1932), remade in 1983, and The Magnificent Seven (1960), remade in 1998. King Kong (1933) is another example of a film that has been remade. The remake, King Kong (2005), directed by Peter Jackson, shows technological innovation in comparison to the original version. 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